SCA,IFTM University,Moradabad
ASSIGNMENTS(Data communication and Networking)
1. What is mean by data communication?
2. What are the three criteria necessary for an effective and efficient network?
3. What are the three fundamental characteristics determine the effectiveness of data
communication system?
4. What are the advantages of distributed processing?
5. Why are protocols needed?
6. Why are standards needed?
7. For n devices in a network, what is the number of cable links required for a
mesh and ring topology?
8. What is the difference between a passive and an active hub?
9. Distinguish between peer-to- peer relationship and a primary-secondary
10. Assume 6 devices are arranged in a mesh topology. How many cables are
needed? How many ports are needed for each device?
11. Group the OSI layers by function.
12. What are header and trailers and how do they get added and removed?
13. The transport layer creates a communication between the source and
destination. What are the three events involved in a connection?
14. What is the DC component?
15. List out the advantages and drawbacks of bus topology.
16. List out the advantages and drawbacks of the ring topology.
17. Why star topology is commonly preferred?
18. Is there any relationship between transmission media and topology?
19. What are the functions of OSI layers? Discuss.
20. Explain in detail about the types of topologies.
21. Explain detail about the transmission media for data transmission.
22. a. i. What is a protocol? List the three key elements of a protocol.
ii. With relevant examples differentiate between simplex, half duplex, and full duplex
23. Explain ISO OSI in detail with an explanation of each layer explicitly.
24. Explain TCP/IP.
25. Differentiate between OSI and TCP/IP.
26. Which of the following protocols are examples of TCP/IP transport layer protocols?
a. Ethernet
c. IP
d. UDP
27. What are the major advantages of STP over UTP?
28. Describe the components of fiber optic cable. Draw a picture.
29. What is the difference between network layer delivery and transport layer delivery?
30. What are the principles that were applied to arrive at the seven layers in OSI model?
31. Why transport layer protocols like TCP and UDP are called end-to- end protocols. W
is the difference between them?
32. Differentiate between:
(i) Baseband coaxial cable and broad band coaxial cable
(ii) Optical fiber and twisted pair
1. What is the difference between a protocol and a service interface? Explain in terms of a
ISO seven layer model.
2. a. List the four properties by which transmission media can differ
b. Three packet switching networks each contain n nodes. The networks have a star
topology with a central switch, a ring respectively and a third is fully interconnected with
a wire from every node to every other node. What are the best, average and worst case
transmission paths in hops?
3. a. Describe the key elements of protocols and the standards.
b. Explain in detail the data transmission in OSI reference model.
4. What are the responsibilities of data link layer?
5. Mention the types of errors.
6. Define the following terms.
7. What is the redundancy?
8. List out the available detection methods.
9. Write short notes on VRC.
10. Write short notes on LRC.
11. Write short notes on CRC.
12.Write short notes on CRC generator.
13. Write short notes on CRC checker.
14. Give the essential properties for a polynomial.
15. Define checksum.
16. What are the steps followed in checksum generator?
17. List out the steps followed is checksum checker side.
18. Write short notes on error correction.
19. Mention the types of error correcting methods.
20. What is the purpose of hamming code?
21.Define flow control.
22. What is a buffer?
23. Mention the categories of flow control.
1. a. Define CRC. Explain CRC generator & CRC checks in detail with one example
b. Explain in detail about error correction using Hamming code.
2. Explain HDLC and explain it in detail.
3. a. Given a 10 bit sequence 1010011110 and a divisor of 1011 find the CRC. Check the
b. Bit stuff the following data
ii. 00011111111111111111111111111111111110011111001
4. What is IEEE 802.3? What are the types of Ethernet? Discuss.
5. Draw the sender and receiver window for a system using Go Back N ARQ and
selective repeat ARQ, given the following
a. Frame 0 is sent, frame 0 is acknowledged
b. Frames 1 and 2 are sent, frames 1 and 2 are acknowledged
c. Frames 3,4 and 5 are sent; frame 4 is acknowledged; timer for frame 5 expired.
Frames 5,6
and 7 are sent; frames 4 through 7 are acknowledged
6. Discuss Token Bus & Token Ring networks in detail.
7. Define FDDI & its needs in detail.
8. a. What is SONET?
b. Name some layers of SONET &its functions.
c. Discuss SONET frame in detail with a neat diagram.
9. a. Define bridges?
b. Difference between bridges and repeaters.
c. Explain the loop problems solved by bridges.
10. What are the network support layers and the user support layers?
11. With a neat diagram explain the relationship of IEEE Project to the OSI model?
12. What are the functions of LLC?
13. What are the functions of MAC?
14. What is protocol data unit?
15. What are headers and trailers and how do they get added and removed?
16. What are the responsibilities of network layer?
17. What is a virtual circuit?
18. What are data grams?
19. What are the two types of implementation formats in virtual circuits?
20. What is meant by switched virtual circuit?
21. What is meant by Permanent virtual circuit?
22. Define Routers.
23. Define DNS and explain the major sections of DNS in detail?
24. With a neat diagram explain the basic model of FTP?
25. What is public key cryptography and explain RSA in detail with one example.
26. Explain various types of substitution techniques.
27. a. SMTP, FTP and HTTP are protocols to transfer messages from one point to
another. Compare and contrast their use
b. Write short notes on HTTP Request and Response messages
28. Explain in detail about SMTP.
29. a. Use the following encryption algorithm to encrypt the message,
a. Replace each character with its ASCII code
b. Add a 0 bit at the left to make each character 8 bits longc. Swap the first 4 bits
with the last 4 bits.d. Replace every 4 bits with its hexadecimal equivalent What is the
key in this method
30. Using the RSA algorithm, encrypt and decrypt the message “BE” with key pairs(3,15)
and (5,15).
Sample Questions
1. What are the major advantages of STP over UTP?
2. Describe the components of fiber optic cable. Draw a picture.
3. Why are slots used in DQDB?
4. What is the difference between network layer delivery and transport layer
5. How can a device have more than one IP address?
6. Which control bit is involved in setting up a TCP session?
7. What factors effect the data rate of a link?
8. What are the advantages of FDDI over a basic token ring?
9. What 3 functions can SNMP perform to manage network devices?
10. What is the purpose of the timer at the sender in systems using ARQ?
11. Is there any drawback of using piggybacking?
12. Which of the following address does not belong to the same network(no
subnetting)? Explain why?
1. What are the two reasons for using layered protocols?
2. What do you mean by link to link layers of OSI reference model? Explain their
functions briefly?
3. Write a short note on ISDN?
4. What is the difference between boundary level masking and non- boundary level
masking? Give examples
5. Draw the IP datagram header format. “IP datagram has a checksum field still it is
called an unreliable protocol”. Justify?
6. What are the principles that were applied to arrive at the seven layers in OSI
7. Explain the working of 3-bit sliding window protocol with suitable example.
8. Explain the following ARQ techniques in detail
1. Stop and wait for ARQ
2. Selective repeat ARQ
9. What are the reasons for using layered protocols?
10. 10 Enumerate the main responsibilities of data link layer?
11. Is the Nyquist theorem true for optical fiber or only for copper wire? Explain.
12. Why do data link layer protocols position the checksum in the trailer and not in
the header?
13. Compare the maximum window size in go-back- N and selective-repeat ARQs.
14. Why does ATM use the cell of small and fixed length?
15. Give the equivalent binary word for the polynomial x 8 +x 2 +x+1.
16. In which of the 7 layers of OSI will a service handling conversion of characters is
from EBCDIC to ASCII be normally implemented?
17. Where is the special IP address used ?
18. Convert the IP address into binary ?
19. Compare satellite with fiber as a communication medium and enumerate the
application areas where satellite still holds a niche(or special)marker.
20. A binary signal is sent over a 3-khz channel whose signal-to- noise ratio is 20
db.Calculate the maximum achievable data rate ?
21. What does ‘data transparency’ mean ? With the help of a flow chart, explain the
process of bit de-stuffing at the receiver’s end.
22. Assuming classful addressing, find the no of subnets and the no of hosts per
subnet foe the following blocks:
(ii) A class B block having mask of
23. Write short note on any four of the following:
(a) The ATM reference model
(b) HDLC
(c) Salient difference between ISO-OSI and TCP/IP models.
(d) Network Topologies and their uses.
(e) Wireless networks.
24. (a) Differentiate between static and dynamic channel allocation.
(b) List out the main responsibilities of the network layer.
(c) Give two examples of a ‘collision-free’ protocol ?
(d) Why is IP called ‘best-effort delivery’ protocol?
(e) What is a transparent bridge?
(f) what are the two sub layers of data link layer called ?
(g) What are the other names of IEEE 802.11 protocol or standard?
(h) What is the baud rate of a standard 10 mbps Ethernet LAN ?
(i) What is a minimum data size of an Ethernet frame ?
25. Explain distance vector routing . What are its limitations and how are they overcome?
26.Explain pure-ALOHA and slotted- ALOHA systems.Give the expression for
throughout for each,clearly explaining the various terms.
27. Explain 1-persistent, p-persistent and 0-persistent CSMA giving strong and weak
points of each.
28. Explain network equipment used in wired-LANS and explain the function of Hub,
Switch, and bridge.
29. Write short note on any four of the following:
(a) Token ring
(b) Various fields in Ethernet frame format
(c) Difference between congestion control and QoS(or Quality of service)
(d) FDDI
(e) Traffic shaping using token bucket algorithm
30. If the transmitted code word is 10011000 and the received code word is 11001001.
What is the error word ? Write transmitted code word , received code word and error
word as polynomials.
31.Why transport layer protocols like TCP and UDP are called end-to- end protocols.
What is the difference between them?
32. Differentiate between:
(i) Baseband co-axial cable and broad band coaxial cable
(ii) Optical fibre and twisted pair
(iii) SMTP and SNMP
33. What are the basic functions of the data link layer? Write down the basic features of
HDLC protocol? Could HDLC be used as a data link protocol for a LAN? Justify your
34. The physical layer service is a non-confirmed service. Assume that some bits of data
are lost during transmission over physical media,which layer will detect the loss and take
some remedial measures. Explain any one method clearly depicting how this operation is
35. What are the advantages of cell switching that is used in ATM?
36. Outline and discuss the main fields in Ethernet IEEE 802.3 frame. What are the main
objectives of preamble ?
37. What is the average number of transmission required to send a frame of length 1600
bytes correctly, if the bit error rate is 1 x 10 -6 .
38. Explain what is meant by the term ‘integrated service digital network’. Give three
reasons a company might choose an ISDN link in preference to a leased line.
39. Subnet the class C network address into eight subnets. Why are the ‘all
ones’ and ‘all zeroes’ subnets not used ?
40.What do you understand by the term ‘structured cabling’. State the main rules that
should be used when installing a cable. Show that maximum cabling area for LAN for
horizontal cabling runs is approximately 200m.
41. What are the various classes of IP addressing? Calculate the maximum number of
class A, B and C network Ids.
42. Why is a data link layer switch preferred over a hub ?
43. Which device is needed to connect two LANs with different network Ids ?
44. When is a translating bridge used ?
45. Can a switch be used to connect two LANs with different network IDs ?
46. Write two ways in which computer applications differ from network applications ?
47. What is count to infinity problem ?
48. What was the reason for selecting a speed of 155.52 Mbps in the original ATM
standard ?
49. Contrast link state and distance vector routing protocols, giving an example of each.
50. What is ISO-OSI reference model ? Compare it with TCP/IP reference model. Why
TCP/IP reference model is more popular than OSI model ? Which layer is used for the
following :
(i) to route packets
(ii) to convert packets to frame
(iii) to detect and correct errors
(iv) to run services like FTP, Telnet etc.
51. Discuss Shannon’s capacity. What implications does it have ?
52. Discuss how satellite network differs from traditional networks such as Ethernet,
53. What is packet switching ? Explain two different approaches of packet switching. ?
54. Doscuss the different factors affecting congestion control algorithms. ?
55. How does a token ring network work ? In what way is it different from Ethernet ?
56. Describe and distinguish between FDMA, TDMA, and CDMA.
57. Discuss the following terms with respect to ATM: VPI, UNI, asynchronous, AAL,
Cell , PVC.
58. What is sliding window protocol ? Differentiate between stop-and wait ARQ and
Go-back- N protocol.
59. Differentiate between ISO-OSI and TCP/IP reference model.
60. Explain leaky bucket algorithm and compare it with token bucket algorithm.
61. Explain ATM reference model.
62. Explain different kinds of Switching techniques.
63. Differentiate between Link state and Distance Vector Routing algorithm.
64. Explain network layer in ATM,
65. Differentiate between IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.4 and IEEE 802.5 standards.
66. Explain any three error detection and correction techniques.
67. Explain various cabling techniques used in IEEE 802.3 standard,
PART A ( 2 Marks)
1. Define Data communication
2. List out the characteristics of data communication
3. What are the components of data communication?
4. What are the various forms of data?
5. What are the various types of data flow?
6. Define networks
7. Define Distributed Systems
8. Define Distributed Processing
9. Define Transit time and Response time
10. Define Topology
11. What are the types of topology available and the number of links required to connect n
12. Define Protocol.
13. Why are protocols needed?
14. What are the key elements of a protocol?
15. Why are standards needed?
16. Who is the standard committee?
17. Define OSI model
18. What are the seven layers of OSI Model?
19. Define Network architecture
20. Define Protocol stack
21. Define Transmission medium
22. Define Guided Media
23. Define Unguided media
24. Define Line coding
25. What is the relationship between the data element and signal element?
26. Define data rate and signal rate
27. Define Bandwidth
28. What is the line coding scheme available?
29. How does NRZ – L differ from NRZ – I?
30. Define Modem
31. What are the standards available in modem?
32. Discuss the mode for propagating light along optical channels
33. What is the difference between a passive and an active hub?
34. What are the three criteria necessary for effective and efficient networks?
1. What are the functions of OSI layers? Discuss. (16)
2. a. Explain the types of line coding with neat diagrams. (8)
b. Explain about the RS-232 interface. (8)
3. Explain in detail about the types of topologies. (16)
4. Explain detail about the transmission media for data transmission. (16)
5. a. i. What is a protocol? List the three key elements of a protocol. (4)
ii. With relevant examples differentiate between simplex, half duplex, and full duplex
communication. (4)
b .i. A sine wave completes one cycle in 25 microseconds. What is its frequency?
Express the frequency in kHz. (4)
ii. A digital signal has a bit interval of 40 microseconds. What is the bit rate? Express
the bit rate in Kbps. (4)
6. What is the difference between a protocol and a service interface? Explain in terms of a
ISO seven layer model. (16)
7. a. List the four properties by which transmission media can differ (4)
b. Three packet switching networks each contain n nodes. The networks have a star
topology with a central switch, a ring
respectively and a third is fully interconnected with a wire from every node to every
other node. What are the best, average and
worst case transmission paths in hops? (12)
8. a. Describe the key elements of protocols and the standards. (8)
b. Explain in detail the data transmission in OSI reference model. (8)
PART A ( 2 Marks)
1. List out the functions of data link control.
2. Define errors.
3. List out the types of error.
4. Define error detection.
5. Define error correction.
6. List out error correction mechanism.
7. Define Block coding.
8. Draw the process of error detection in block coding?
9. Define hamming distance.
10. Find the Hamming distance
11. Define simple parity check code.
12. Define flow control.
13. Define error control.
14. Define ARQ
15. Define Piggybacking
16. Define sliding window
17. Define HDLC and its transfer mode.
18. List out the frames in HDLC and its purpose.
19. Draw the neat diagrams of a frame format of various frames of HDLC.
20. List out the control field for S frames.
21. Define LAN & List out the technologies.
22. What are the two sublayers of Data Link layer and define its functional
23. Draw the frame format of Ethernet.
24. List out the Ethernet types.
25. Define CSMA /CD
26. Define NAV.
27. Define the frame format of IEEE 802.5
28. Define FDDI.
29. What are the devices used in SONET.
30. What are the four SONET layers?
1. a. Define CRC. Explain CRC generator & CRC checks in detail with one example(10)
b. Explain in detail about error correction using Hamming code. ( 6 )
2. Explain HDLC and explain it in detail. (16)
3. a. Given a 10 bit sequence 1010011110 and a divisor of 1011 find the CRC.Check the
answer (10)
b. But stuff the following data (6)i. 0001111110111110011110011111001
14. What is IEEE 802.3? What are the types of Ethernet? Discuss. (16)
5. Draw the sender and receiver window for a system using Go Back N ARQ and
selective repeat ARQ, given the following (16)
a. Frame 0 is sent, frame 0 is acknowledged. Frames 1 and 2 are sent, frames 1 and 2 are
acknowledge. Frames 3,4 and 5 are sent;
frame 4 is acknowledged; a timer for frame 5 expires. Frames 5,6 and 7 are sent; frames 4
through 7 are acknowledged
6. Discuss Token Bus & Token Ring networks in detail. (16)
7. Define FDDI & its needs in detail. (16)
8. a. What is SONET? (2)
b. Name some layers of SONET &its functions. (6)
c. Discuss SONET frame in detail with a neat diagram. (8)
9. a. Define bridges? (2)
b. The difference between bridges and repeaters. (4)
c. Explain the loop problems solved by bridges. (10)
PART A ( 2 Marks)
1. Define internetworking?
2. Distinguish between networking and internetworking.
3. What are the devices used for internetworking?
4. What do you mean by switching and mention its types?
5. What is the difference between packet switching and circuit switching?
6. Mention any two advantages of subnetting.
7. What are the approaches in packet switching?
8. What are the two main elements of distance vector routing?
9. What is the role of packet lifetime?
10. Give the fields available in IP address.
11. What is meant by classful addressing?
12. Define Unicast, multicast, and broadcast.
13. Compare Ethernet address with IP address.
14. What are the functions of IP Protocol?
15. Identify the class and default subnet mask of the IP address
16. Distinguish between bridges and routers.
1. What is the internet? Imagine an organization where the internet is needed & discuss it in
detail with a neat diagram. (16)
2. Explain in detail about datagram approach and compare with circuit switching.(16)
3. a. Explain Routing Table and Routing Module (8)
b. A company is granted the site address The company needs 6
subnets.Design the subnets. (8)
4. a. How is the looping problem solved by switches and by routers? How
do switches/routers handle link failure? (8)
b. Explain the IP addressing. (8)
5. a. Change the following IP address from dotted decimal notation to binary notation. (2)
i. ii.
Change the following IP address from binary notation to dotted decimal notation. (2)
i. 01111111 11110000 01100111 01111101
ii. 11110111 11110011 10000111 11011101c.
Find the net and host id of the IP addresses (2)
ii. 11101111 11110111 11000111 00011101d.
In a class C subnet, find out the network address (2)i.IP address:
What is the maximum number of subnets in class A / B using the following masks.(8)i.
PART A ( 2 Marks)
1. What are the services provided by the transport layer?
2. Define reliability and its aspects.
3. Define multiplexing.
4. Define RTT.
5. What is the purpose of the Urgent pointer in the TCP header?
6. What is meant by the slow start in TCP?
7. Define socket.
8. Define datagram socket.
9. Draw a neat diagram of a transport layer segment.
10. Differentiate between TCP and UDP.
11. Define QoS.
12. What are the steps in the call set up the process?
13. Define integrated services.
14. Name some tuples which are used to identify a TCP socket.
15. What do you mean by congestion?
16. What are the types of congestion control? Explain.
17. Define flow control?
1. A client uses UDP to send data to a server. The data are 16 bytes. Calculate the
efficiency of the transmission at the UDP Level (16)
2. Explain the concepts behind in the Silly Window Syndrome. (16)
3. a. Draw and explain in detail about the State Transmission diagram of TCP (8)
b. Explain in detail about congestion avoidance in TCP (8)
4. a. Define UDP. (2)
b. Explain the segment format of UDP (6)
c. Explain in detail about congestion control (8)
5. a. Explain the three phases of TCP (8)
b. Explain the segment format of TCP (8)
6. Explain in detail about various techniques to improve Qos (16)
7. Explain in detail about integrated services (16)
PART A ( 2 Marks)
1. Define DNS.
2. Name some generic domain labels
.3. What are the four main properties of HTTP?
4. Describe why HTTP is designed as a stateless protocol.
5. Define virtual terminal.
6. What do you mean by active web pages?
7. What are the transmission modes of FTP?
8. Compare HTTP and FTP.
9. What are the types of source records?
10. What do you mean by FTP?
11. Draw the basic model of FTP.
12. What are the things supported by SMTP?
13. Draw the General format of HTTP request messages.
14. What are the categories of web documents and specify the languages which it issued
for each
15. What are the things define by URL?
16. What are the aspects of information security?
17. Name some security services.
18. What are the types of security attacks?
19. Define AES.
20. Write the steps for an RSA.
21. What is the relationship between CGI & dynamic documents?
22. What is an active document?
23. What is conventional encryption?
24. Define the structure of data in FTP.
25. Define Catching in DNS.
1. Define DNS and explain the major sections of DNS in detail? (16)
2. With a neat diagram explain the basic model of FTP? (16)
3. What is public key cryptography and explain RSA in detail with one example.(16)
4. Explain various types of substitution techniques. (16)
5. a. SMTP, FTP, and HTTP are protocols to transfer messages from one point to another.
Compare and contrast their use (8)
b. Write short notes on HTTP Request and Response messages (8)
6. Explain in detail about SMTP. (16)
7. a. Use the following encryption algorithm to encrypt the message, a. Replace each
character with it’s ASCII codeb. Add
a 0 bit at the left to make each character 8 bits longc. Swap the first 4 bits with the
last 4 bits.d. Replace every 4 bits
with its hexadecimal equivalentWhat is the key in this method (8)
b. Using the RSA algorithm, encrypt and decrypt the message “BE” with key
pairs(3,15) and (5,15). (8)
1. Explain in detail the error detection and error corrections.(UQ)
2. Discuss in detail about the layers of OSI model. (UQ)
3. Discuss in detail about HDLC.
4. Discuss in detail about SONET.
5. Explain the different approaches of framing in detail.
6. Write the Sliding Window Algorithm and explain it in detail.
7. Compare Stop and Wait for ARQ scheme with sliding window ARQ scheme.
8. Write in detail about the flow control mechanisms.
1. Name the four basic network topologies and explain them giving all the relevant
2. Explain the functioning of wireless LAN in detail.(UQ)
3. Explain Ethernet in detail.
4. Discuss the frame format of a token ring in detail.
5. Differentiate FDDI from token ring
6. Write in detail about Resilient Packet Ring.
7. Write short notes on WI-Fi, Wi- Max.
8. Write short notes on Cellphone technologies.
1. Write notes on the following(UQ)
(i) Internet Protocol.
(ii) Routers.
2. Discuss in detail the various aspects of IPV6. (UQ)
3. What are the different approaches in Packet Switching?Explain them in detail.
4. Write in detail about bridges.
5. Discuss the spanning tree algorithm in detail.
6. What are the limitations of bridges?
7. Explain in detail the ATM cell format.
8. Explain about the different AAL protocols.
9. Discuss DHCP in detail.
10. Explain Distance Vector routing in detail.
11. Explain OSPF in detail.
12. Discuss RIP in detail.
13. Problems in subnetting.
14. Write short notes on the following
i. Broadcasting
ii. Multicasting
iii. ARP
iv. RARP
1. With neat architecture, explain TCP in detail.
2. Explain adaptive flow control in detail and its uses.
3. With neat architecture, explain UDP in detail.
4. Discuss the different Queuing Discipline in detail.
5. Explain the Congestion Avoidance techniques in detail.
6. Explain TCP Congestion control techniques in detail.
7. Explain how QoS is provided through Integrated Services.
8. Explain how QoS is provided through Differentiated Services.
1. Explain the SMTP and HTTP. Give their uses, state strengths, and weaknesses.
2. Explain the role of a DNS on a computer network.
3. Explain Email protocols in detail.
4. Discuss FTP in detail.
5. Discuss SNMP and Telnet in detail.
6. Write short notes on
i. PGP
ii. SSH