Friday, July 28, 2017

Assignments(Internet java Programming ,MCA– 401)

Internet java Programming ,(MCA– 401) 
SCA,IFTM University,Moradabad
1.     What are the OOP Principles?
2.     What is Encapsulation?
3.     What is Polymorphism?
4.     What is Inheritance?
5.     How Java supports platform independency?
6.     What is the use of final keyword?
7.      What are the different types of operators used in Java?
8.     What is the need for static variables?
9.     What is the need for static methods?
10.  Why is main method assigned as public?
11.  WAP to compute the sum of digits of a given integer number
12..  Explain the following:
a.  Static Members
b.  Final Method
c.  Final Class
d.  Abstract class
e.  Abstract method
13.  How does String class differ from StringBuffer Class .
14.  Give an example where interface can be used to support multiple  inheritance.
Give Example
15. Discuss  Various  levels of access protection available for packages and their

Faculty Name : Arvind Kr Shukla
Subject : Java Programming(MCA– 401)

Internet java Programming ,(MCA– 401) 
SCA,IFTM University,Moradabad
1. Write programs in Java to demonstrate the use of following components, Text fields, Buttons, Scrollbar, Choice, List and Check box.
2. Write Java programs to demonstrate the use of various layouts like Flow Layout, Border Layout, Grid Layout, GridBag Layout, and Card Layout.
3. Write programs in Java to create applets incorporating the following features:
a. Create a color palette with matrix of buttons.
b. Set background and foreground of the control text area by selecting a color from color palette.
c. In order to select fore ground or background use checkbox controls as radio buttons.
d. To set background images.
4. Write programs in Java to do the following:
a. Set the URL of another server
b. Download the home page of the server
c. Display the contents of the page with date, content type, and expiration date, Last modified and length of the home page.
5. Write programs in Java using sockets to implement the following:
a. HTTP request
b. FTP
6. Differentiate static binding and dynamic binding.
7. Explain action event with an example.
8. What are the swing components? Explain.
9. Describe the AWT event hierarchy.
Faculty Name : Arvind Kr Shukla
Subject : Java Programming(MCA– 401)


Internet java Programming ,(MCA– 401) 
SCA,IFTM University,Moradabad

1. Write programs in Java using servlets.
a. To invoke servlets from HTML forms
2. Write programs in Java to create three tier applications using servlets.
a. For conducting online examination
b. For displaying student mark list (Assume that student information is available in a database which has been stored in a database server.)
3. What is Distributed application architecture?   What is RMI?  List the steps for  Building distributed applications using RMI.
4. Explain JDBC Architecture?  Discuss any model of this architecture.     
5. Describe synchronization in respect to multithreading.
6. What do mean by Networking in java? Explain.
7. Describe Event Handle ling in Java? What are the methods under WindowListener Interface?

Faculty Name : Arvind Kr Shukla
Subject : Java Programming(MCA– 401)

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